Wednesday, 4 April 2012


            Human Resource Planning is a systematic approach to ensure that the right people will be in the right place at the right time. It is a process of deciding what position the organization will have to fill and how to fill them. So, the responsible of HR department to provide the information and data to an organization on when, where and how many employees need to be recruited.
            HR people must know how to manage their web sited to show clear with possibility employees to key in data on your web. So, retention of the best employees starts with the effective recruitment and staffing process, strategies, policies and procedures. So, recruitment and staffing provide overall framework for the process of planning, recruitment, selection and hiring employees. The goal of recruitment and staffing is to identify the smartest and most versatile employees organization can find.
             Actually, recruitment refers to the process of attracting eligible candidates and the process of generating a pool of suitable candidates for available job. It’s is also the process begins when the new recruits are sought and ends when applications are received. Therefore, the purposes of recruitment are attract suitable candidates to apply, discourage unsuitable ones, and provide job information.
            Staffing is the process of selecting and train individual for specific job function and charging them with the associated responsible. So, this part try to tell as a matter of fact the recruitment and staffing overall is a process that the organizations use in recruiting the new employees and do the performance evaluation through web. So, nowadays the organization must have system to recruit and staffing for show employee what descriptions of job and know what the qualification of position organization offer and responsibilities that organization need. So, organization must have E-Recruitment system to easy their implement of recruit and staffing process.
           So, there is no doubt that, process of recruitment has been made easier with the advert of the internet.  So, in this case E- Recruitment has been formed where people across the globe can apply online. Today, most of the companies and other organization has been use online recruitment because it’s easier receive application on-line which are faster and no burden of storage. Besides that, many employers also have included employment and career information as part of their organization web site. So, with this web site can encouraged many of job seekers to send their resumes via e-mail or complete on-line applications.
But, like with other system, e-recruitment system also has advantage and disadvantage when we use this system. The advantage of implementing this system include that its save cost and time. Internet recruiting is cheaper than newspaper advertising, employment agencies and other external source. It’s also save considerable time when applicants can respond quickly to job posting by sending e-mail and recruiters can respond to qualified candidates more quickly. The system also able to reach the large target. Job literally are post global, so potential applicants in other geographic areas and countries can view job opening posted on the web.
The disadvantage of this system actually also can give effect both of parties like in an organization and applicants. By using internet recruitment, employers may get more unqualified applicants. So, one third of HR recruiters found that, internet recruitment created additional work for HR staff members. Besides that, applicants may have limited internet access, especially individual from lower socio-economic group. So, this is not fair for everyone.
In this chapter I already learned how e-recruitment system implementing in the organization. Generally, we can see that the employers much get benefit in organization when they using internet recruitment. This is because e-recruitment can decrease their burden and make the job so easy to do. In addition, the management also becomes more effective and efficient when they use this system.

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